17th years old, yet I'm still Daddy's little girl

I've always remember the day my dad used to bring me to his office, i still don't get the point of parents bringing their child ...

I've always remember the day my dad used to bring me to his office, i still don't get the point of parents bringing their child to their office. I know some people bring their children because theres no one who can watch the children, however i do have someone watched over me while i was a little girl, but still, daddy is so excited to bring me with him. I'm asking my self, had i ever been helping him with his job by came with him? The answer is no, well i think i'm not. All i did was crying and messing with his job, yet he said i was helping him.

Yesterday, i was there in my mom office with my dad too, and that made me thinking about years ago. Somehow, dad is the most person who takes roles in family, he's actually really important. All these years,i had always thought that mom is the person who took a big role in my life, how i was wrong, now i realized that daddy is the person behind of these all, with his cool personality he looks careless but does he-really? And when you actually need a support, instead he was hard like stone(he told me i wasn't trying at all). Behind all of his cold personality, he cares so much for his children, he just expressed it with a cold actions.

There are so many-so many things that i should thank him for, remember the day he taught us to ride our bycyle for the very first time?or the day he taught us how to drive?and the day he found out we were sick?the day he picked us up after a night out,when it was already late to come home by ourselves? He was there the whole time, he does all the things for us without us knowing, he's just as important as mother is. No matter how old i am, i'll always be my daddy's little girl—and i hope i makes him as proud as he makes me

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