
so today we're going to talk about bullying . there's many types of bullying like cyber-bullying,school-bullying,blog-bullying,work-...

so today we're going to talk about bullying. there's many types of bullying like cyber-bullying,school-bullying,blog-bullying,work-bullying,phone-bullying,etc. At this time we're going to talk about School-Bullying&how to get deal with it.

There's a lot of bullying going on school. seventy-one percent of students report bullying as a problem in schools. everyday, around one hundred and sixty thousand kids miss school because they're afraid of a bully in school. This is the horrible fact and something needs to be done about it. some kids that get bullied in their school will choose suicide to solve their problems, its leading cause of death for those between the age of fifteen and twenty five years old, its estimated that five hundred thousand teens try to kill themselves each year and only five thousand of them succeed. well, we should definetely get out and try to prevent bullying from happening in schools.

Bullying at school is sadly something that has become fairly common, well the things that we can do to handle the bullying at school are to knowing the type of bully someone's dealing with, no child that should ever live in fear in their own school, we can start a 'no bullying' campaign at school because this could truly help eleminate the bullying from any kids, we should probably open communication lines with everyone especially the one who get bullied, we should know how they feel then we could help them to dealing with it, if you have interest with self-defense then join the karate,tae kwon do and anything that could give an ability to defend someone against any bad people.

well, bullying at school isnt something that is easy to deal with, however it is something that can be prevented. Just remember whenever you're dealing with bullying at school is staying involved&listening to the one who get bullied!

You don't know what some people go through everyday,and you also dont know that they cry themself to sleep everynight. so, lets just stop bullying!

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